Thursday, December 31, 2009


I decided to take a detour from our routine. Wanting to replace my stolen coat and take advantage of a sale, I went to Old Navy. I was cutting it close in relation to naptime but was ecstatic upon finding what I needed. Baby J wasn't though. He was growing sleepy at an alarming rate. The line seemed to be progressing slowly, which I attribute mostly to my perspective. When I was second in line, I quickly realized that I didn't have an overactive imagination, but the clerk really was having troubles. The manager assisted her through every item. Then the manager left the register. Baby J was now nearly inconsolabe but we persevered... until she got to me. She had trouble ringing the coat up so she set it aside and rang up my other items. Then she attempted again to ring the coat up. She asked the manager for assistance but the manager apparently thought thus was the best time to teach her to fendfor herself, so she nonchalantly stayed five feet away and told her to "try something else". By this time, my boy was furious so I cancelled the transaction, rudely thanked the manager for not intervening and left. I should've been more patient and exhibited more self-control, but things like this seem to becoming much more common. And, not as a means to justify, my husband and I are going it alone. While we have many friends, my village is non-existent. I'm made to feel as if I must call in favors for such small daytrips or beg for help with projects. I know that I'm not alone, but after dozens of these encounters, I really wish for practical assistance.

Hopefully a good night's sleep will provide feelings of renewal and a more positive perspective. If not, for your own protection, please avoid my cynicism.

1 comment:

  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. You really can call me anytime. It's nothing for me to add one kid to my duo for an hour or two. No strings attached. And no favor returns policy. :)
