You think you know everything, until you become a parent...
Then you realize how little you really know.
I had heard it a million times before. Parents would make comments and I would smugly think, They have no idea who they are talking to. I knew from my vast knowledge of how the universe works that breastfeeding past one year old was only to prolong a mother's emotional attachment to her child, that diapers should be changed every 2 hours, that children should sleep in their own beds from birth, that people carrying their children in carriers were hippies, and that I would be the best parent on earth.
To be fair, I thought I would be the best parent on earth, mostly because I never thought that I would be a parent. I had often imagined myself with offspring and that I would be as nurturing as educating. My child would grow to be a highly functional, well-developed asset to society. Ha!
Each day I am reminded how little I know about the universe, nevermind the miraculous workings of a small child's rapidly developing heart and mind. So, despite my worst efforts, I am now the BF, CD, CS, BW mommie. And I love it! Parenthood is a delightful learning experience.
Funny how God teaches us about life through being parents, huh? And it is so applicable to Him being our father, isn't it? Been meaning to write you back; thanks for your e-mail! I'm catching up on blog reading and e-mails today and tomorrow.