Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Less Sleepy Mommie to Go Around

I used to be a very active person. That was when I was young and single. I was healthy and a healthy weight, yet, I still thought I was fat. When I finished high school and started college, I gained some weight. When I got married, I gained more weight. When I had baby J, I gained more weight. I reached my heaviest weight and realized that I was not fat. While I did not meet society's criteria for thin, my BMI (body mass index) was in the healthy, normal range.

At 28 years old, I have to make a change.

So, on November 9th, I set a realistic goal. I resolved to lose 27 lbs (for reasons that I don't wish to publish online for the world to read). So, weekly I have been weighing in to follow my progress.

My morning weigh-in revealed a 10 lb loss in only 16 days! I am ecstatic. While this is a great start, I know it won't last. My progress won't usually be so rapid, but for now I am excited that I have already lost 37% of the first phase of my "Healthy Mommie" goal.

My new motto is something often said by Suze Ormon, "When we feel less than, we spend/eat more than." Remember, you are more than, so treat yourself as such.

1 comment:

  1. GReat job!!!!!! I tell myself two things:
    1. Nothing tastes as good as skinny and healthy feels
    2. Exercise is not an option.
    Keep it up!
