Hello all! I know that you are all here because the job market is slim right now, but this isn't a paying gig. This is a search for experiences from mommie's who have been where I am and want to help.
Baby J is 14 months now. By no means do I want to wean him completely. There are still so many benefits for him to continue as a breastfed baby, but I would love advice on how to help him not to want to nurse so often. According to our doctor he is still a full-time nurser, which we don't have a problem with. However, it makes it difficult for his caregiver when I am at work. Ideally, I would like to make nursing a signal that bed and naptimes have arrived and, if he hurts himself (he's quite clumsy, a trait from his mommie), to provide comfort.
I am prepared, so please, fire away...
Oh, please also note that if I have to choose between a FT nurser and a completely weaned baby, I choose nurser.
I could point you to a post I did about night weaning ... but if you're just looking for general weaning to a few times a day, I think the little one has to be on board. When he asks for nursing, you hand him a cup of milk and say "mommy milk" only for night night time. The only reason Gabe weaned was because my milk ran out in the middle of the pregnancy. He was NOT happpy, so I tried to make it less painful by giving lots of snuggles and buying him a few cool big boy milk cups. :) Good luck!