Over the course of one day, baby J becomes so many things...
the molder of Play-doh, (Due to his infatuation with all things in the shapes of balls, I taught him to roll a small clump of play-doh between the palms of his hands. He now endearingly refers to yet another object as "balls")
the maker of trouble, (the expression is "No... No." With as frequently as he says the word, people must think that we don't say anything but "No... No".)
the adventurous explorer of wetness, the happy boy who wishes to play,
the boy who asks "Where is he?" and then playfully pops out saying "There he is!" (We would ask him this and when we'd uncover our eyes or come out of hiding, we would say "There he is!". So, if you are ever wondering why he looks cluelessly at you when you go "Peek-a-Boo", it was unintentional on our part. He knows the game, but plays it a little differently.)
the saver of pennies, (Hopefully we will instill in him the ability to be thrifty and content.)and, of course, our cool guy.
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