I always thought my mom was a little crazy- okay, a lot crazy. If you had awoken by chance at 4 in the morning, you would find her outside contentedly with a cup of coffee while sitting on the ground with a large pile of weeds next to her. Who, in their right mind, would find such joy in pulling weeds? Nevermind the fact that the sun itself has barely risen?!?
Now that baby J is 19 months old and into (literally) everything, I have either gone crazy or found my mom's key to sanity. There is very little satisfaction in cleaning the house when you have little ones. As soon as a project is completed, a typhoon mysteriously appears in another place. So, I have given up trying to attain a neat home and settled for the fact that it is messy, yet clean.
The garden, however, is another story. The amazing thing about weeds, is that once you've pulled them, you can satisfactorily gaze upon your hard work and feel a deep sense of accomplishment. The next day, a few might have reappeared, but with a simple bend of the waist, it's gone!
As spring is making its grand entrance this year, it has opened my eyes to a whole new world. I now see that it is a splendid opportunity to become immersed in nature and feel the sense of accomplishment that is often missing in a mommie's mundane life.
Thank you mom for passing along this secret sanity that you possess.
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