I'm not sure if this will solve the commenting issue, but it seemed to work for me when I signed out and made a comment. After entering the comment, you will see an option to "comment as". This scroll bar has several options, the most common including Google Account (including g-mail), LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM (AOL instant message), and OpenID. If you choose any of these, you will be temporarily re-directed to enter in your email or user name and password.
If you don't have an account with any of the forums, you may choose to comment anonymously or to enter your name. To enter your name, choose "Name/URL", which will open a box to enter either or both.
Afterwards, click to "Post Comment" so that we may all enjoy your input. Hope this solves the commenting dilemma! If not, please comment (lol!) anonymously, if necessary.
Here's hoping this works otherwise you'll just consider the context and realize it is mama. The spring green is a pretty background, I think of you in the garden, as I am. Just wondering why my weeds seem to have their roots in your yard ( or does it just seem they run that deep?)