Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dear Target Stores,...

> Dear Target Stores,
> Let me begin by expressing my sincere gratitude for your store. I
> often visit you when I need a reprieve. You must hear this a lot,
> because I see many other mommies and dads wandering your aisles
> conversing in baby talk to their little ones. Their carts are
> usually fairly empty and adult conversations are easily initiated
> and can become quite long. A simple, "Excuse me" to pass by quickly
> becomes "ohhhh, how old?" From there, any conversational direction
> can be taken.
> And a Starbucks near the front provides adequate nourishment for my
> dehydrated brain.
> My only complaint is, well, those enormous red concrete balls at the
> edge of the sidewalk just outside the store. It is because of those
> balls that baby J's hand is held so tightly that I fear it will lose
> circulation. You see, kids (especially boys) love balls. I cannot
> emphasize this enough. And when we approach the store, he often
> wiggled so violently that he nearly falls from my ring sling. So, I
> let him walk to prevent further head trauma. Then he tugs so hard
> and sprints directly for those balls! I'm not even sure what they
> are there for, but they pose a serious danger to both his safety and
> my sanity. They are so near the road.
> Please understand that I'm not threatening my routine visits. I just
> thought you should know that he will soon catch on to the prolonged
> peek-a-boo session we play upon entering. I've seen other parents
> experiencing the same dilemma. Do you have any suggestions?
> Sincerely,
> Who-Doesn't-Love-A-Giant-Red-Ball,-But-Seriosly?!?
> ~ Corry
> www.sleepymommie.blogspot.com

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