Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha Haha Thud.
Sometimes having a toddler is like going to battle with a Sicilian, except death isn't on the line. Sleep is.
The past few weeks, baby J has acquired a few new, somewhat strange habits. He is determined to continue to nurse frequently at night. And, I, the Norwegian/German that I am, am determined to have my way.
His first battle was realizing that if he coughed, he got mommie's milk. In the beginning, it was a legitimate cough. And because I would never withhold anything good for my son, I nursed him. But then I began to notice that the cough continued, except he had no congestion or drainage. Yet, he would wake up and start coughing. Strategy: Cup of water on the nightstand. Success! Sleeping baby!
His second battle was crawling out of his bed and crying. This worked to his advantage, because when his papa got up to retrieve him, he tripped over him. Both returned to our bedroom in hysterics. So, we put the baby gate up on the top of the stairs each night, propped even more pillows in his bed, and were able to avoid an accident. Success! Sleeping baby!
Tonight, he must have thought,
Forget it. They're onto me. I'm a pretty light sleeper these days, so I was surprised at what I heard next. There were small footsteps pattering quickly. Then came a shadow. He looked light a miniature football player barreling towards our bed. I quickly sat up, took him in my arms and cuddled him as he sipped the water. In record time, he was asleep in our bed. Success! Sleeping baby.
I think that I will join him now.